A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.
A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.

McClintock Family Crest

McClintock Family CrestThe Scottish surname McClintock, also found in Northern Ireland, is an anglicized form of the Gaelic name Mac Gille Fhionndaig (Scottish), Mac Giolla Fhionntóg (Irish) meaning “son of the servant of (Saint) Finndag,” a personal name derived from a pet form of fionn ‘white’. A Scottish family of the name settled in county Donegal, Northern Ireland in the late 16th century. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Duncan Mcgellentak. He was a witness in West Perthshire,and appears in the "Records of the Scottish Highlands", in 1549. Dan McClintock, sailed from Derry on the ship "Mary-Harrington", on June 2nd 1846, bound for New York.

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