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Lopez is a Spanish name of Patronymic origin. Lopez is derived from "son of Lope". Lope comes for the Spanish form of Lupus a Latin name meaning Wolf. The variant Lopes is usually found in Portugal. The fact that the Lopez Crest has 2 wolves on it alludes to the meaning of Lopez and this practice in heraldry is known as canting, where something on the shield alludes to the meaning of the name. There are approximately 600,000 bearers of the name Lopez in the United States today. A notable bearer of the surname Lopez was the Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos born in Malaga, Andalucia, Spain in 1500. He led a failed attempt to colonize the Philippines in 1544, attempting to assert Spanish control there. Unable to feed his men through barter, raiding, or farming and unable to request resupply from Mexico due to poor knowledge of the winds and currents of the Pacific ocean, Villalobos abandoned his mission and fled to Moluccas where he died in prison.
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