Castillo Family CrestThe Spanish surname Castillo from castillo meaning “castle or fortified building” (from the Latin word castellum), is an  habitational name from any of numerous places so named or named with this word.The name is found throughout Spain and was brought to the New World at an early date. Examples of these early recordings include Penaflor Castillo, at San Bernardino, Xochimilco, Mexico, on March 8th 1708, Arrieta Castilla onb December 22nd 1706 at the same place. Josef Castillo married Maria Sinoba Bojorquez at Santa Barbara, California, on November 30th 1805.  Notable bearers of the surname Castillo include Bernal Díaz del Castillo (1492 – 1584). He was a Spanish conquistadorwho participated as a soldier in the Aztec conquestunder Hernan Cortes and late in his life wrote an account of the events.


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