A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.
A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.

Fulton Family Crest

Fulton Family CrestThe Scottish surname Fulton is an habitational name from a place in Roxburghshire, Scotland, so named from the  Old English terms  fugol meaning “bird” and tun meaning “enclosure or settlement.” In 1272 a quitclaim of the land of Fulton was witnesses by one Thomas de Fulton, and in 1273 a grant by Malcolm, earl of Levenax to Paisley, was witnesses by an Alan de Foulton. Henry de Foultone of Lanarkshire rendered homage to Edward 1 of England in 1296 and Thomas de Fougheltone of Lanarkshire rendered homage in that year also. 16th Century records show that one, Robert Foultoun possessed a tenement in Irvine in 1506, and John Fultoune possessed one in Glasgow in 1554. A notable bearer is Robert Fulton (1765 - 1815), of Ulster Scottish descent who was the first to successfully apply steam to navigation in the United States. 

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