Heraldry, Clothing and Jewelry

Heraldic clothing
The use of Coats of Arms on ladies gowns showed the way to a more peaceful and less warlike role for Heraldry. Heraldic emblems came to signify ownership in Tudor times. Just as the retainers of the medieval lords wore their lords’ badges on their jerkins, so in more modern times the footmen and servants wore livery, the latter in the principal colors of the Coats of Arms of the employer, and the Arms themselves or the badge were often shown on the buttons of the servants. Coats of arms in this period were also evident on clothes and other personal possessions such as Jewelry, silver, china, and household tiles.
German heraldic ringToday  many examples of Heraldry exist on silver, many  containing the full Coat of Arms of the original owner. It was an easy way to identify the property at the time. The most familiar use of Heraldry in connection with Jewelry is that of the signet ring or crest ring. The use of these rings is a direct descendant of the seal ring used in the early middle ages as a means of identification on official documents and letters. The signet ring or crest ring is the same means of identifying the owner or authenticator of a document as a seal was in earlier times. To this day in England when a grant of arms is made, the seals of the Kings of Arms are appended to the document. Seals which do not hang down but rather are flat on the parchment paper are frequently used. Coats of arms are also frequently found on other items of jewelry including watches, pendants cufflinks and bracelets.

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