The Herald 3

The Battle of Bosworth 1485
The heralds were granted a charter by Richard III, who was a patron, in 1484. The heralds were incorporated as the College of Arms which still exists to this day. The College of Arms established their headquarters at Coldharbour house in London, a grant from their patron Richard III. Richard III was defeated and killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 and the College of Arms lost their patron and also their main benefactor the Earl Marshall who also perished in the battle. The next Regent, King Henry VII, wanted Coldharbour house for his mother Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, so the College of Arms remained without a permanent home until 1555. The college of Arms took possession of Derby House and have been there ever since. 

In the period following the move from Coldharbour in 1485 there were a number of reorganizations but by the advent of the 16th Century Elizabethan period there were a total of 13 officers Garter Principal King of Arms and two provincial kings: Clarenceaux and Norroy (in charge of the south and north halves of England respectively); six heralds: Chester, Lancaster, Richmond, Somerset, Windsor, and York; and four pursuivants: Bluemantle, Portcullis, Rouge Croix, and Rouge Dragon. There were also “ extraordinary officers “ who were appointed for special occasions. The Ulster King of Arms administered the granting of Arms in Ireland but at the time was not considered to be a part of the College of Arms. During Henry VII's reign heraldry was reduced to the Royal household only and noblemen were not officially recognized.
Richard II at the Battle of Bosworth
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