A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.
A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.

Andrews Family Crest

Andrews Family CrestThe surname Andrews, found in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales is of patronymic origin deriving from the personal name Andrew. The personal name Andrew is derived from the Greek Andreas meaning “manly.” The first written reference to the name is in 1275 when Moricius Andrewys is recorded in the "Subsidy Rolls of Worcestershire." Church Records list the christening of David, son of Edward Andrews, on January 6th 1572, at St. Giles, Cripplegate, and the marriage of James Andrewes to Euphemia Masterton on August 10th 1798, in Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh. One Samuell Andrews, aged 37 yrs., an early emigrant to the New World, sailed from London aboard the "Increase" bound for New England on April 13th 1635. Buy this family crest on jewelry today!                                                                            

Andrews family crest cufflinks










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