Bartlett Family CrestThe English surname Bartlett is of patronymic origin being derived from the Middle English personal name Bartlet, a pet form of Bartholomew. The personal name is from a medieval personal name, Latin Bart(h)olomaeus, from the Aramaic patronymic bar-Talmay ‘son of Talmay’, meaning ‘having many furrows’, i.e. rich in land. This was an extremely popular personal name in Christian Europe. The first recorded spelling of the family name is in 1157 when Godricus Bertelot, is recorded in "St. Benet of Holme, 1020 - 1240", Norfolk. Aadditional early records include Thomas Bartolot, in the Cambridgeshire Hundred Rolls (1273); Walter Bertelot, in the Subsidy Rolls of Sussex (1296); Thomas Bartelot in the Feet of Fines of Cambridgeshire (1294); and Thomas Bartlot, in the Poll Tax Records of Yorkshire (1379). One Robert Bartlett was one of the early settlers in New England in June 1632. Today there are approximately 43,000 bearers of the name Bartlett living in the United States. 

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