A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.
A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.

Cochrane Family Crest

Cochrane Family CrestThe Irish and Scottish surname Cochrane is an habitational name from lands in the parish of Paisley, in Renfrewshire near Glasgow. Early recorded bearers of the surname are Waldeve
de Coueran in 1262; William de Coughran in 1296; and Robert de Cochrane in about 1360. Robert Cochrane, Earl of Mar (d. 1482) was a favourite of King James 111, whilst Sir John Cochrane (c. 1650) was a Royalist Commander of Charles 1 and Governor of Towcester in 1644, whilst Thomas Cochrane, 10th Earl of Dundonald (1775-1860) was an Admiral in the Royal Navy until driven out for exposing naval corruption. In 1817 he commanded the Chilean Navy and secured independence from Spain.

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