Cota Family CrestThe Spanish surname Cota, also found in Portugal, is from the region of Galicia in the northwest of the country. The name is an habitational name from any of several places in Galicia named Cota, for example in Lugo province. The place name is derived from the Galician term
cota meaning “ an animal den.” The name Cota is first recorded in Spain in the 16th Century when Gregorio de Cota of Senora La Antigua, Valladolid, is recorded on January 18th 1587. The first record of the name in the United Sates is on November 30th 1776 when Pablo Antonio Cota married Rose Maria Lugo at San Luis Obispo, California. Today there are approximately 10,000 bearers of the name Cota in the United States. A notable bearer of the name was the 15th Century Spanish poet Rodrigo Cota de Maguaque born in Toledo.

Cota family crest ring


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