Gunning Family CrestThe Irish surname Gunning is an anglicized form of the Gaelic name Ó Conaing meaning “descendant of Conaing,” a personal name, a borrowing of the Anglo-Saxon term  cyning meaning “king.” The Gunning’s were a sept of the Dál gCais tribe, located at Caisleán Ó gConaing (now Castleconnell) in county Limerick on the border of counties Clare and Tipperary and on the banks of the river Shannon. The Annals of Lough Ce list Edmund O’Conaing as the “royal heir of Munster” in 1032.” Dermot O’Conaing (died1195), was Bishop of Killaloe. Today the name is most frequently found in counties Down, Tyrone, Galway and Roscommon.

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