A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.
A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.

Livingstone Family Crest





The Scottish surname Livingstone is an habitational name from a place in Lothian, Scotland,originally named in Middle English as Levingston, from an owner called Levin, who appears in charters of David I in the early 12th century. The village was recorded as "Levingestun" in the 12th century, and amongst the early recordings is that of Turstanus Leuig, the son of the original Leving, who granted to the monks of Holyrood, the church of "Leuiggestun" in about the year 1200. Other early recordings include William Levestone  who witnessed a grant by the earl of Levenax to Patrick Galbraith, whilst in 1296 Sir Archibald de Levingestoune, apparently of Edinburgh, rendered homage to the republican government of Scotland.

Livingstone crest cufflinks


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