A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.
A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.

McLure Family Crest

McLure family crest

The Scottish surname McLure or MacLure, also found in Ireland, is an anglicized form of the Gaelic name Mac Gille Uidhir (Scottish), Mac Giolla Uidhir (Irish), meaning “son of the sallow lad.” In Scotland the McLures are a sept of Clan MacLeod of Harris. Today the surname is most popular in Galloway, and has been since at least the 15th century when Johh McLur and Robert McClure were both arrested for murder. They were followers of the earl of Cassillis, who rebelled against the monarchy of Scotland in 1526. In fact the history of the McLure's has been one consistent attack on authority. As late as 1684 Elizabeth M'Cloor was banished to 'The Plantations' which meant the colonies of the West Indies for giving support to the rebel Clan MacGregor. This clan was outlawed by King James V1 of Scotland in 1613, and not reinstated until 1780, and then by the orders of King George III. 

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