Moss Family CrestThe English surname Moss, also found in Ireland and Scotland, is a topographic name for someone who lived by a peat bog, from the Middle English, and  Old English term  mos, or a habitational name from a place named with this word. When found in Ireland it is a part translation of Gaelic Ó Maolmhóna ‘descendant of Maolmhóna’, a personal name composed of the elements maol ‘servant’, ‘tonsured one’, ‘devotee’ + a second element which was assumed to be móin (genitive móna) ‘moorland’, ‘peat bog’. Eleven bearers of the name appear on a "List of Irish Famine Immigrants arriving at the Port of New York (1846 - 1851)": among them Francis Moss, aged 21 yrs., who embarked from Liverpool on the ship "Cambridge" on May 8th 1846.

Moss family crest ring


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