A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.
A majestic castle perched on a hilltop at night, illuminated against a dark sky.

Scott Family Crest

Scott family crest

The surname Scott is an ethnic or geographic last name signifying a native of Scotland or a person who spoke Gaelic in Medieval times. The name Scott is derived from the Old English scotti, originally a generic term given by the Romans to Gaelic raiders from Ireland. The surname appears in England by the 14th century, the family of Scot's Hallbeing a notable example. Descent is thought to be from Alexander de Balliol or William de Balliol le Scot, brothers of John de Balliol, King of Scotalnd, or from retainers of KIng David of Scotland who held lands from the Earl of Huntington By the 17th century the name is first recorded inIreland as a surname.Scott is the 36th most popular name in the United States and the 10th most popular name in Scotland. Notable bearers of the surname Scott include Benjamin Scott the 19th Century Chamerlain of London. Benjamon was born in 1814 and died in 1892.

Scott family crest ring



Scott family crest ring


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