Stuart Family CrestThe Scottish surname Stuart  is the French form of the surname Stewart. The French form of the surname was brought to Scotland from France by Mary Stuart, in the 16th century.The surname Stewart is an occupational name for the administrative official of an estate. The name is derived from the Middle English stiward, and Old English stigweard, stiweard. The Old English word is composed of the elements stig, meaning "house(hold)"; and weard, meaning "guardian". In so far that the family originally had a surname it was the French 'Dapifer', the family having come from Brittany. King Robert 11nd (1371 - 1392) was the first "Steward" to hold the crown of Scotland. The earliest recordings of the surname include Nicholas Staward of Somerset in 1273, and William le Fiz Stywarde of Berwick in 1296. Today there are 36,000 people with the family name Stuart living in The United States.

Stuart family crest ring


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